Thursday, April 1, 2010

Keeping it real with a game of "I spy"

I spy a can of Ginger Ale next to a cup of Gatorade.
(both of which I took into Milk Dud's room
countless times throughout the night,
to keep her hydrated while I tried
to keep her from vomiting)
I spy the couch where Cookie was when we
discovered she had pooped up her back.
I spy the wet spot where I scrubbed
out the poop that was left by Cookie
as an April fools joke on her aunt.
I spy the room where the children enjoyed
an impromptu reading session while
I scrubbed a joke out of my couch and
dog pee off of my flip-flops.

I spy my flip-flops hanging on the faucet to dry.
I spy the bedding waiting to be washed
because it too, although not by the dog,
was peed on.
I spy the kennel that houses the naughty puppy
who didn't wait to go outside.
I spy the stool that Baby Ruth used to
stand right in front of me while I
gave Cookie her post poop bath.

I spy pajamas that are way to big for the baby who
wears them because I have no other
clothes for her....when she decides to
poop up her back!

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