Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Anembryonic Pregnancy...

aka no baby...

Bit O' Honey and I had only told a few people
and the girls about this...
But shocker...the news spread like wildfire.
Wish it hadn't...

Tomorrow would've been the 8 week mark. I guess it still is
since it's still in there...Doc says it could take up to a month
for my body to "pass" it.
A complete miscarriage will mean no intervention.
I'll hope for that...k...

If that wasn't enough...
I'm still sick...
I'm still tired...
I'm still sporting a bump...
Only now, no pay off...no reward at the end.
Nothing to make it all worth it.
Now, these symptoms serve as reminders of
life's cruel joke.

Things to be grateful for:
The plumbing works and we can try again.
It's snowing...enter a white Christmas.
Loved ones far and near giving the girls a grand Christmas.
(cuz let's be honest...when you're young it's all about the gifts)
Knowing when it happens...I'll be losing "fluffy stuff"
and not a baby...

Other happenings from yesterday...
Bazooka Joe got in a fight with a bad guy and won...
His arm won't tell the same story,
but luckily he now lives with Caramel Corn...
his resident pharmacist.
Not to mention Mrs. Mary Jane...
his resident bartender.

Needless to say, yesterday was a wash
and all involved want a do-over.

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