Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tis the season...

The season that always has Baby Ruth's asthma
giving us a run for our money...
Her first cold and I must say she did really well.
And all it took was an oral steroid and
this around the clock for days and days...

This time of year also has us in the Gastroenterologists office...
We finally have a Gastro that I like...thank goodness.
This last time she gave me information on a clinical trial
she hoped Baby Ruth could participate in...
Turns out you have to be at least 14.
The trial is a good means more research
is being done on the liver disease part of Alpha-1.
I don't have the results of her labs yet
but I promise to post them when I do.
Last draw they were the closest to normal they've ever been.
Cross your fingers for what we all know I'm hoping for
but won't type because I'm ridiculously superstitious...

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