Thursday, July 12, 2012

And so it goes...

Before my universe crashed...
my computer crashed.

That's right...every picture I've ever taken over the past 8 years...

So all in all the last 3 1/2 weeks of my life...
not my favorite...
Let it be documented that today at 5:25pm my sister had to hand deliver my moms heart medication to the detention center (where mom will spend a week or so while she waits to be transferred to the prison) because they were unable to get it for her...When she got there she asked to speak to the medical director (we'll call him Ace) she told Ace that it's urgent mom gets her medication...without it she could go into fatal arrhythmia. OK then.

Dear Lord,
If you're trying to send ME into fatal arrhythmia...
you're almost there.
Maybe ease up a pinch...
Maybe start by getting mom out of there...

Dear Mom,
I miss you. Your show was on tonight...
you know the one...Big Bang Theory.
Anyway I watched it...
and still I don't know why you love it.
So here's the recap...
The guy that was on Rosanne...
he cheats on his lady by kissing a girl he met at
the comic book store...only to find out that his lady
cheated on him by hmm hmm with her old boyfriend.
The guy that lives with his mom sleeps with
a blondie that spoils his plan to go into space by telling his mom...
To which she responds by yelling
"no son of mine is leaving this planet"

I love you mom.
3 years 363 days to go.

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